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Temple Hill Lions Club

Community improvement is one of the main goals of lionism. Therefore; 70 years ago, organized and promoted a community fair. The Lions, exhibitors, advertisers, the friends, and volunteers continue to make the Barren County Fair a success!  

2015 Most Progressive Fair Award Zone 2 Division B Winner

2016 Most Progressive Fair Award Zone 2 Division B Runner-Up

2017 Most Progressive Fair Award Zone 2 Division B Winner

2023 Most Progressive Fair Award Zone 2 Division B Winner

Temple Hill Lions Club Members

Donnie Alexander

James W. Bailey

Elizabeth Wood

Jamie Wood

Doug Belcher

Donetta Doyle 

Tim Doyle

William Myatt

Ralph Dunbar

Tommy Garrett

Matthew Gentry

Carey Harvey

Judy Harvey


William Myatt

Lauren Barrett

Jesse Muse

Cliff Oliver

Frank Rowland

Cynthia Rowland

Bobby White

Cindy Rutledge

Alex Wood

T.J. Wood

Kelley Copas

Becky Barrick

Bobby Joe Barrick


1st Vice President:
2nd Vice President:
3rd Vice President:
Assistant Secretary:
Assistant Treasurer:
Tech Support:
Tail Twister:
Lion Tamer:
Fair Managers:
Membership Committee:
Publicity Chair:

Robert Bell

Dustin Blair

Connie Eanes

Mary Highbaugh

Marty Highbaugh

Ewing Hopkins

Timothy Hubbard

Allen Matthews

Bud Tarry

Nathaniel Thompson

Brian Pedigo

Megan Komar

Tim Doyle

Carey Harvey

Cindy Rutledge

Donetta Doyle

William Myatt

Bobby White

Elizabeth Wood

Jamie Wood

Bobby White

Cindy Rutledge

Doug Belcher

Donnie Alexander, James Bailey, Bud Tarry, & Doug Belcher

Frank Rowland, Tommy Garrett, Jamie Wood, & Carey Harvey

William Myatt & Donnie Alexander

Frank Rowland, Jesse Muse, Donetta Doyle

Christy Matthews & Bobby White

James Bailey

Pageant Director:
Pedal Pull:
Corn Hole:
Livestock Shows:
Tractor Pull:

Lauren Barrett

Matt Gentry

Ricky & Brandi Taylor

William Myatt, James Bailey, Chris Schalk, Jesse Muse, Paula Terry, Lindsie Logsdon

Carey Harvey, Jesse Muse, Tommy Garrett, Jamie Wood, & Jeremy Copas

Donnie Alexander

Temple Hill Lions Clubhouse

Temple Hill Fairgrounds

7401 Tompkinsville Rd

Glasgow, KY 42141

10168 Tompkinsville Rd

Glasgow, KY 42141



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